Howto Do ...#
In the following examples it is assumed that the fmg connection object is already opened:
config = {
"base_url": "",
"username": "myuser",
"password": "verysecret",
"adom": "root",
"verify": False
with FMG(**config) as fmg:
Create new objects#
There are more options using the high-level API:
# create an object
new_addr = Address(name="server1", subnet="")
# the object is only created in memory. We need to add it to `fmg`
result = fmg.add(new_addr)
# we can examine result to check if the operation was successful
if result: # same as result.success
print(f"{} was successfully created")
We can also call objects' fmg operation methods:
# create an object and assign to `fmg`
new_addr = fmg.get_obj(Address(name="server1", subnet=""))
# then add it to fmg without using `fmg` directly
result = new_addr.add()
if result: # same as result.success
print(f"{} was successfully created")
Creating / deleting dynamic mapping#
Creating mapping:
# create a new object
server: Address = fmg.get_obj(Address(name="test-server", subnet=""))
fw: Device = fmg.get(Device).first()
# create server object in FMG
# create a mapping to server object with the fw device and different IP
server.dynamic_mapping = Address(mapping__scope=fw.get_vdom_scope("root"), subnet="")
# beware that FMG will convert this single element to a list!
server = fmg.get(Address, F(
# dynamic_mapping became list!
Deleting mapping: